تازہ ترین

The Matyrdom Of Imam Sadiq (A.S)

Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) was the sixth Imam of Shiate world. He attained martyrdom on the 25th Shawwal 14 A.H.

During the Caliphate of Abu Jafar Mansoor Abbasi. Imam Sadiq (A.S) lived until 65 years. He had the longest life amongst the other eleven Imams (A.S). Thus, he is also called as the Sheikh – ul – Aimue.

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مطالب کا کوڈ: 190


After the martyrdom of his respected father, Imam Mohammed Baqir (A.S0, he undertook the flag of the guidance of Islamic hat ion for 34 years. During the period when the Umayyad government was facing inutility and there was dispute and feud with the Abbasids, Imam Sadiq (A.S) utilized this golden opportunity in the revival of the Prophetic customs, the dissemination of the Islamic culture and trained students who created epics in the Shiite history.

During the said period, the theological university of Imam Sadiq (A.S) consisted of more than 4 / 000 students in the different field of Figh (Jurisprudence), Tafsir (Commentary) of Holy Quran, Kalaam, Hadith (traditions) and experimental science.

It is noteworthy to mention that two of the Imams of the Ahl – e – Sunnat (i.e.) Abu Hanifa and Malik Ibn – e – Ana’s reaped from the harvest of the knowledge of Imam Sadiq (A.S). In this regards, Abu Hanifa says, “ If it was not for those two years (the period that Abu Hanifa was the student of Imam Sadiq A.S), No man would have been destroyed.”

It is for this reason that the untiring efforts, struggles and endeavors of Imam Sadiq (A.S) in the revival and dissemination of the original Islamic culture became the cause for the Shiite creed being also called as the Jafari religion.

A great jurisprudent of the Ahl – e- Sunnat Malik Ibn – e- Aues says about Imam Sadiq (A.S) thus, “ no eyes has seen and no ear has heard and on no human heart has passed to see a man in virtue, excellence and (earning to be greater that Jafar Ibn Mohammed (A.S)”.

Abu Hanifa, one of the other four great Imams of the Ahl – Sunnat says about his holiness thus,

“ I have not seen a man more learned and jurisprudent than Jafar Ibn Mohammed (A.S)”.

Again, he says, “ On the directive of Mansoor, the Abbaside caliphate, I prepare forty questions and went in the presence of Jafar Sadiq (A.S) and asked him about the questions, he replied to all the questions. The answers were so excellent and profound that I had never heard them from any one until that time.”

With regards to the virtues qualities of Imam Sadiq (A.S), it can be said: Respect and humbleness in front of the Almighty, bravery and courage in front of the merciless and the tyrants, helping the afflicted and the needy endeavoring and working for earning a livelihood, awe and dignity and perseverance and steadfast. To cite some example.

1. One day, when Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) was having spade in his hand and was working in the agricultural field and he was soaked in perspiration. During this time, Abu Omar Shaibani saw the holy Imam and said to himself: Maybe, the reason that Imam Sadiq (A.S) is working himself with the spade in the field is that he is having no helper of worker to me so that I perform your work. The holy Imam replied, “ No, I like that one should endeavor and struggle himself to earn his livelihood”.

2. It is reported from the wife of Imam Sadiq (A.S) thus, it was the final hours of the life of Imam Sadiq (A.S) when suddenly he opened his eyes and said to gather all his family members and near ones. When all of them had gathered around him , the holy Imam said , “ Our ( Ahlul Bait ) Shafaat ( intercession) will not reach to those who degrade and undervalue their prayers.”

3. 3- Malik Ibn Anas says : We were on a Hajj journey with Imam Sadiq (A.S). when we reached to the place where we had to were and put on the ground from the horse. When he wanted to recite the labbaik:. The voice could not come out from his throat, I told him: O son of the Messenger od Allah, it is inevitable that you should say the Labbaik. In my reply , he said “ How can I be impertinent and dare to say Labbail when I fear that my Lord will not comply with my request and will reply me, no Labbaik, no”.


Source: www.alhassanain.org/english

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