A Glimpse on the Fatima (s.a): the Daughter of Prophet Muhammad (s)
13th Jamadi-al-Awwal, according to some historical reports, is the death anniversary of Hazrat Fatima Zahra(sa) – the beloved and only genetic daughter of Prophet Mohammad (s). However the more widely accepted date of her death is the 3rd of Jamadi-ul-thani.
The Prophet of Islam had only one blood daughter named Fatima (as) from Khadija. There were three other ladies in the Prophet household these were:

Zaynab, Ruqayya and Umm Kulthum who were related to Hazrate Khadijia. When the Prophet married they were part of the household they married away.
Of Hazrate Fatima (SA) we know that she was born five years after Besath (Declaration of Prophet hood) when Muhammad (S) was about 45 years old and her mother Khadija was about 55 years old. The date of her birth is reported to be the 20th of Jumada al-Awwal.
She is known by her many titles:
Al-Siddiqah (The Honest One)
Al-Mubarakah (The Blessed One)
At-Taherah (The Virtuous)
Az-Zakiyah (The Chaste)
Ar-Radhiah (The Satisfied or Gratified One)
Al-Mardhiah (Who well-pleases Allah)
Az-Zahra (The Splendid One/ Lady of Light)
Al-Batoul (The Chaste and Pure One)
Al-Adhra (The Virgin or the Chaste)
Al-Muhaddathah (Who spoken by Angels)
Syedatun Nisa al-Alamin (Leader of the women of the worlds)
After the death of her mother Khadija, she took upon herself the responsibility to look after her father the Prophet of Islam so intently that Muhammad (S) used to call her “Umm-e-Abiha”, i.e. the mother of her father.
It was in Medina that she would get married to Ali (as) After receiving her consent the marriage of Fatima (sa) and Ali (as) took place in the simplest possible manner. Ali (AS) sold his shield of armour for 200 Dirhams, brought the money to the Holy Prophet (S) who added a similar amount and asked his companions to buy household goods to set up home for the Holy Family. Marriage was solemnized by the Prophet himself and after marriage the couple went to live in a separate house next to the House of the Prophet around the Mosque.
Fatimah and Ali had four children: Hassan (AS) was born in the 3rd year of Hijra, Hussain (AS) in the 4th year, Zainab the 6th year and Umm-e-Kulsoom was born in the 7th year of Hijra.
There was so much respect in the heart of the Holy Prophet for Fatima (sa) that whenever Fatima (sa) arrived in the mosque of the Prophet, the Holy Prophet (s) stood up to respect her. This gesture was also to show the companions respect for women which was generally lacking in the Arabian society of the day.
These acts of the Prophet (S) were to show the companions that this house and its occupants have a special place in the way of Allah and that its status should be maintained after the death of the Prophet (S). Unfortunately this was not done as the Holy Prophet (s) intended. The events of the life of Fatima (sa) after the demise of the Prophet(s) are full of sorrow and sadness.
Hazrate Fatema (as) and her husband Imam Ali (as) got directly caught up in the power struggle that developed immediately after the death of the Prophet (s).
The position of her husband as the strongest candidate for the Leadership of the community exposed him and his family to the maltreatment of those who had deliberated against him by excluding him from the leadership discussion.
A line of poetry attributed to Hazrate Fatima (as) gives an indication of her feelings after the death of the Prophet (s):
“After the death of my father my sufferings were so great that if such hardships fell upon days, the days would turn into nights.”
On 3rd of the month of Jumada al-Thani as a consequence of a miscarriage caused by an accident that took place during an attack against her husband, Hazrat Fatima (sa) died. This was about 90 days after the death of her Holy Father. After performing the last rites she was taken to the cemetery of Baqi in Medina in the darkness of the night for burial as per her wish. Very few family members were present at the burial of the daughter of the Prophet. Some historians say that she was buried in her own house which became part of the Masjid-e-Nabavi during the reign of Umayyad caliph Umar Ibne Abdul Aziz (Umar the II).
On the sad occasion of the anniversary of her death we extend our heartfelt condolences to all the lovers of holy Ahlul Bayt [as] and to our present Imam, Imam Al-Mahdi (May Allah Hasten His Appearance).
Source: www.alhassanain.org/english
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